Rideau Park is a youthful community with approximately 62 percent of its population under the age of 64. Many family’s have chosen to build new infills here because it is very much a family-orientated community, where walking to the park to play with the kids or taking the young ones to school takes only minutes.
In the City of Calgary’s 2014 Civic census, Rideau park had a population of 498, living in 259 dwellings. Of that 498 , 62 % of Rideau park’s population is between the ages of 20-64. Also, 74% occupied dwellings that were occupied by the owner .Also, 76% of people living in Rideau Park have a university degree or higher. 83% housing were occupied by the owner and 17% of the housing was used for rentig. Please visit the City Of Calgary for this Inner City community profile.
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